Sudoku Classic




SUDOKU CLASSICEnjoy playing sudoku classic game presented to you in a simple and easy to play user interface The game has 3 levels for ultimate gaming experience, Easy, normal, and Expert • Easy level Still new to sudoku, this level is for you, it enables you to play and enjoy the least challenging level as you learn, and complete the level for satisfaction • Normal Level This level is for experienced players who enjoy the game and want to spent less time completing the sudoku level • Expert level Tackle the hardest sudoku level and test your expert playing skills How to play 1. Download the game here on play store 2. Install the application and start 3. Select the desired language, The game however comes with ENGLISH as the default language The app supports 3 languages, English, French, Spanish 4. Select the Desired level game level 5. Start Playing Click on the cell you desired to add or delete number  Click on Edit button to add a number or delete a number  Restart button will automatically start a new game combination Enjoy playing For any enquired contact us on [email protected] Welcome